01 December 2009

Professional Profile

I made this profile of myself for apply to an internship, it was interesting because it had to be in third person and include aspects of my professional background.

Here it is:

He is a young adventurer, willing to experience the cultures of the world. Passionate Social Worker, who has now a Master in Social Welfare and Health Policy, with 4 years of experience on the Social/NGO sector he wants to devote himself to the Development work. With experience in community and projects evaluation, provision of social services, social programs manager and research.

To find and understand the reasoning behind every human action (and no-action) really fascinates him. He believes in the capacity to build your own future based on the present moment actions, the social empowerment of people and communities is visible in all his work. He has great commitment to his work, to manage projects and social programs, conduct research, be fund raiser, lead capacity building processes, make effective and human distribution of social services and get involve with people are the sparks that sets up his fire. He is social sensible professional that beliefs in the people and on collective changes for good.

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