26 June 2011

My Master Thesis

I can finally publish this most expected post, my master´thesis!!
Here is the abstract in both English and Spanish:


This paper focuses on the dilemmas that are part of the nowadays normal functioning of the social services system. The conflicts of efficiency, distribution, satisfaction and quality of service that rises between the social agents involved, the articulation between these agents and the system, and specially the configuration of the system to prevail in its functioning.

The way the system deals with these dilemmas results in the displacement of the human-beings from the centre of the processes, to be substituted by auto-centred aspects of the system itself that de-humanize its functioning.

While describing the conflicts present in the system and their consequences, a set of needed inputs to improve it was established. The conclusion is that a new perspective behind the functioning of the system is required in order to overcome the existing dilemmas. The paper also presents a proposal of humanization of the processes through the insertion of “human” or “emotional” aspects that responds to a new ideology that aims to balance the efficiency-quality issue of the social services provision system.


Este documento se centra en los dilemas que conforman el funcionamiento normal de los sistemas de servicios sociales de hoy en día, con los conflictos sobre eficiencia, distribución, satisfacción y calidad del servicio que se generan entre los agentes sociales implicados en la distribución de servicios sociales, la articulación entre éstos y el sistema, y en especial la configuración que se provoca para prevalecer con este funcionamiento.

El debate se centra en cómo el sistema se enfrenta a estos dilemas, en donde se visualiza un desplazamiento del ser humano, como centro de los procesos, para ser sustituido por aspectos del sistema que se auto-centra en sí mismo, deshumanizando su funcionamiento.

Al describir estos conflictos presentes en los sistemas de servicios sociales y sus consecuencias, se vislumbra un conjunto de insumos necesarios para mejorar su funcionamiento. A manera de conclusión se asume que una nueva perspectiva es necesaria para superar los dilemas existentes.

La investigación también presenta una propuesta de humanización de los procesos a través de la inserción de aspectos "emocionales" que responde a una posible nueva ideología que tiene como objetivo equilibrar la la tensión entre eficiencia y calidad del sistema de prestación de servicios sociales retornando lo "humano" al centro de su funcionamiento.

Followed by the Recognitions to my dear ones that had something to do with thinking, working and/or making this document:

Til mine Focolare felleskap i Oslo, spesielt til Donato, Katarina, Elga, Elma, Hilde, Sebi og Ranghild, Paolo Da Maina e Rolando Cristao dal SocialONE e Chicco dal Centro Gen, Helge, Paul and the popi of Stockholm and The Netherlands.

To Mike Seltzer, who by his help, showed his awareness on what is to be a true mentor and how to guide someone to develop arguments, despite the administrative schemes.

To my daii Prakash for his multicultural and motivational support.

To my Amelie for letting me be and construct part of this while been at her side.


To all my friends in Oslo, the folkens and my “Support Group”, to all the ISU people, a mi queridísima Francisca y mi gente Dominicana en Oslo, a la familia Salinas Pendavis.

To all, Thanks for the support, help, tolerance and encouragements during this adventurous and blooming journey. Thanks!

One of the inspiring images, that pictures big part of the topic:

And, of course, all this dedicated to:

A Altagracia y Felipe, fuente interminable de amor
And to The Focolare Movement, inexhaustible source of inspiration.


I you wish to see the full document, click here and download it: