25 June 2011

Desires from my Agenda-Cover

I have faced some important changes in my life in the last 6 to 7 months, and there are a few yet to come.

This week I have been organizing the studio-room, the place to work, watch movies, read and play games. That also means that I have been (last 2 days) submerging into my papers, documents, books and stuff. I have with me now the agenda of last year (2010) which I decorated with many images I collected from magazines, images that I like and most of them mean something, probably a desire. I´ll listed here, with some comments (in order of appearance, from top to bottom):

Front Cover:
* Light bulbs with pear peel: I guess is mi idea of thinking green and being innovative.
* A girl walking into the woods: my sense of adventure and wanting to go camping (haven ´t done it yet)
* A paper bag with smiley face: being nice, eco and happy with simple things-
* Futbol ball: classic ball, a passion that remains with me, even though I´m not playing that often now.
* The hand of a gorilla with a revolver: the idea that violence is only stupid.
* A troll doll: a typical souvenir from Norway.
* Black girl with evil gestures: don´t forget to be “picaro” life is alive!
* Connect-four image: is just a nice remember of that game I used to play in family.
* Blue-heart with word “COLD” on blue also: I´m not sure, but I guess I was trying to say to myself to be more cold-blooded and take emotional decisions.
* Guy playing air instrument: related to jazz, a big passion of my!
* A guy in the library: a call to myself to be back to reading habits.
* A star: I guess I was just felling up the spaces…
* Map of the Americas: since it has a big red point on top of the island, I guess it was my nationalism calling up!
* White wine glass: with the sun light on the back, it reminds me of Norway fall´ or spring-summer.
* A car with many bags on top: is almost destroyed by now, but the idea was to buy a car and keep traveling around! (I did that! Or doing it :D )

First contra-cover:

* A healthy sandwich: to pursue the idea of eating better. (I did that)
* Grill meat: to keep pleasuring my taste and stomach. (I´m still doing that)
* Salad: a fresh bowl of lettuce and other stuff eat better (I did it)
* Girl drinking hot beverage: Cafe or chocolate, the girl the winter clothes remind me of Scandinavia a lot.
* Glass with beer: since it was the only thing I could drink for a long time, I developed a great sense and taste for it.
* Tree of life-aspects: related to the beer glass, if does not goes beyond what it shows: to protest, to work and get money, to socialize, make friends, to travel and move around, o recycle and to vote or participate politically.

Second contra-cover:

* A big sing of music: a center part of my life!
* A picture of Auschwitz: very similar to a picture a made myself when I visited there, is a remainder of many reflections about humanity and war.
* Sparkling bubbles: it could be any alcohol, but it is!!
* Cigarettes: I have develop also a taste for having 1 or 2 every now and them, without becoming addict.
* A set of different musicians pictures: Jazz, again and forever!
* A cup of coffee: a good coffee every now and them is just great!

Back cover:

* Paper bag: with female face, another bag with the same intention, plus gender perspective.
* Viking ship: another remember of Norway.
* Waffle: the delicious Norwegian waffle with sour cream and jelly!! Hmmm 
* Ariplane: for more traveling
* Word “SHIT”: not sure why, to say it, to break the rules… and probably connected to the plane, as to say I dare to fly even with the danger is carries.
* A couple in a Jacuzzi on winter: to remember to enjoy life and dare to do it!
* Naked model: not sure, to enjoy beauty.
* Professional photo camera: I want to buy one!
* A girl singing: jazz of course!
* A world map globe: showing the Americas and Dominican visible!

Later I figure the meaning of all this and what to keep dragging!