09 March 2015

Top Vegetarian Places at Santo Domingo

My partner (vegetarian for almost 15 years) and I (almost there) have seen (and enjoyed) the proliferation of vegetarian options for dining around Santo Domingo.

This cuisine is always attached to something more or behind, it being spiritual believes, respect to animals, vibrational healing, healthy life-styles or a pseudo hipster trend of providing a need to the market.

The list started around 4 years ago with just 3 places: Lotus, ADASEC and Raíces. And moreover, basically just lunch (buffet style) options. It now has pleasantly evolve to a list of vegetarian and mostly-vegetarian places with options for lunch, afternoon snacks, dinner and weekends. This is the list of the places we have visited in order of our preference regarding: Taste, Option, Quality and Value, cheers!:

  1. Papaupa
  2. Jardín Verde
  3. Chef Orlando
  4. Bambú
  5. Lotus
  6. Para-té
  7. La Espiral
  8. Formosa
  9. Falafel
  10. Govinda
  11. Raíces
  12. Vista del Jardín

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