31 January 2010

for 2010

This is a running diary entry. It will be updated in the course of the weeks...

Projections for the months of the 2010

  1. Travel and entertainment:
  • Visit Berlin (Won´t be possible: Red)
  • Dave Matthews concert [Hamburg 16.2.10] (Won´t be possible: Red)
  • Re-visit Italy (Won´t be possible: Red)
  • Visit Héber [Colombia, Bogotá]
  • Re-visit Cuba [Luis F. and Nuccio]
  • Visit Ramón [Miami] Coming...
  • Visit family in USA. Done!! :D
  • Travel inside Dominican. Coming...

2. Others:

  • Start Patois lessons
  • Start music lessons

3. To buy:

  • Video Camera for all. (Difficult, Red)
  • Lp to Mp3 converter for my father. (Coming... in a few months, it´ll come from Norway)
  • Bread-making machine for my mother. (Let´s see tomorrow...)
  • PS3 or XBox for me. (Let´s see tomorrow...)

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