14 December 2009

Let it snow! Second winter in Oslo

Last year around the 16th of October it was snowing for the first time in Oslo, it was the first time for me that I experienced the transition from one season to another. But the winter had started for me long time before.

2 weeks after arriving I went on a trip to a Mariapolis to Bergen, the second biggest city of Norway. In that road we stopped to have an open air pick nick , supposedly in a nice landscape. For me the temperature of 8° was to much to tolerate and my bread seemed to be alive! my hands were shaking, I had my mouth open in case I could make get it inside, but I also think I opened too much so close it could be a problem!

I had to enter back to the car, kill the sandwich, get a little warm up and then.... eat.

This year is completely different, the "real" cold of the winter took longer to arrive, even the snow was maybe thinking to wait until Christmas day. Is just today when one can finally say that is snowing in Oslo. The threes change from the ugly leaves-less image to a nice white dress. Now is all nice, good looking white and winter-like image.

The cold is another tale, I took it a lot much better this time, was not feeling even half of the coldness I felt last year, but a remainder that I´m not from this weathers came like a month ago with a sudden high fever, according to me, I was wearing too few clothes, I mean, I was not feeling cold enough to wear more. But I learned my lesson, now I don´t mind wearing extra wool, having fever is really bad.

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